Hand Nutrition CLA 5.0


Hand Nutrition CLA 5.0 is made from an all natural superior powdered form of conjugated linoleic acid. Most people use CLA to reduce abdominal fat or the fat around the gluteal and hamstring area.
5 whole grams of the purest, pharmaceutical-grade powdered CLA per scoop, made from the highest quality all natural safflower oil
Decreases abdominal fat, increases metabolism, enhances immune system, lowers cholesterol, may help lower blood pressure, and is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory


Fat is absorbed with the help of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase. CLA 5.0 blocks this enzyme from storing fat and sends the fat to the muscle cells for energy while also preventing fat regain.
No stimulants or added flavoring
No muscle loss like other brand’s fat loss products
CLA pills are usually under dosed, cheaper to produce, not as bioavailable, and will never give the same results as CLA 5.0 powder.
1 scoop first thing in the morning is much easier than having to take pills multiple times throughout the day as most people forget. This eliminates the need to take 10 plus CLA pills of other brand’s 3x a day timed around food, making powdered CLA superior in absorption and convenience, especially when most pill coatings are cheap, leaving you with CLA that cannot even be absorbed.
Unlike most abdominal fat or metabolism boosting products, CLA 5.0 can be taken year round without having to cycle on and off.
CLA should not take months to see a difference. Almost all users see a difference in their abdominal area by the end of one container, while some have seen a difference in as little as four days.
Other benefits may include diabetes control, may help prevent atherosclerosis, age related muscle loss, improve quality of life for patients with Crohn’s Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).


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